
Frequently Asked Questions

We know that you will have a lot of questions regarding your SMP treatment and hopefully you will find the answers here, but if not, please contact us and we will be more than happy to help.

How long have you been performing SMP?2021-08-13T22:23:31+00:00

Scalp Culture are one of the world’s longest serving SMP providers. In fact we entered the SMP industry in 2010 when just a handful of providers existed around the world and the industry was young.

Since then we have helped the industry to evolve to be the best it’s ever been, helping to raise standards.

With Scalp Culture you have our wealth of experience on your side.

What if my hair turns grey as I age?2019-07-11T11:14:51+00:00

If your hair was to turn grey later on in life, this would have no affect on your look after having Scalp Micropigmentation. Our pigments are specially formulated to settle into the scalp over time. This means that over the years, your SMP treatment will slowly become a lighter shade, whereas others may require a touch up to freshen or darken their SMP treatment, if your hair was to turn grey, you may never require a touch up session as you would simply allow the pigments to lighten naturally as your hair turns grey.

How will you design my new hairline?2019-07-11T11:14:51+00:00

At Scalp Culture we are one of the very few SMP clinics worldwide who have the expertise to create extremely natural hairlines. Hairline design is one of the most important stages of your treatment process as it sits in the most prominent positions on your scalp.

Designing your new hairline is something we take time over during your first treatment session. We add around 45 minutes to your first treatment session for hairline design. We take your input on your preferred hairline whether it be a defined hairline, natural receded look, or a subtle, soft hairline, and our practitioner will advise you along the way. We begin by drawing your new hairline using a wax pencil and make any adjustments as necessary. Only once you are happy with your new hairline design do we start the Scalp Micropigmentation treatment. Although you will have a new hairline in place from your first treatment, it will be a subtle result as we build the density of your treatment over your following treatment sessions. This allows for changes to your hairline if desired over these sessions.

How many sessions will I require?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

All routine SMP treatments are performed over 3 separate sessions and this is the number of sessions included in your quote.

Is SMP the same as a tattoo?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

No. SMP can be referred to as a medical tattoo but the treatment is performed using a completely different technique to regular tattoos. The treatment is performed by our highly skilled SMP trained practitioner using specialist pigments created for the scalp only, not tattoo ink. The needles and equipment we use are also different to those used for regular tattoos.

We strongly advise against using regular tattoo inks or seeking treatment from anyone other than a highly trained SMP specialist as this can result in an undesired outcome which would only be removable by laser treatment.

How long will SMP last?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

SMP is a Permanent solution to hair loss and will last a lifetime with maintenance touch ups along the way. How often you require touch ups depends on various factors such as your immune system, how you look after your treatment and UV exposure.

Some clients may require touch ups around every 4 to 6 years where as others may require touch ups around every three years. Some clients may never need a touch up. It really does differ from person to person. Touch ups are usually completed within 1 – 2 hours.

Is SMP the best option for hair loss?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

Although there are other options for hair loss available, they cannot guarantee results like SMP can.

For example, not everyone is a good candidate for a hair transplant. Hair transplants leave large scars and in most cases the results do not meet the client’s expectations. We see many clients who have had hair transplant surgery only to find that the hair begins to fall out again in the near future. This leaves the client still suffering from hair loss, along with exposed scarring. If repeat hair transplants are then required, it can become an expensive process with costs spiralling to higher amounts than first expected.

There are also various medications available on the hair loss market. These options can take months if not years to see minimal results if any. The costs of these treatments are also an ongoing costs with most treatments requiring daily doses for a lifetime.

SMP is a fraction of the cost of a hair transplant, and the results are instant, permanent and undetectable. Scalp Micropigmentation can be used to treat any type of hair loss in men and women of all ages.

If you are suffering from hair loss, you may be shaving or considering shaving your existing hair to a short level so that your hair loss is not as noticeable. Usually no matter how short you shave it, the areas with existing hair growth can still stand out against the areas with no hair growth. This is where our SMP treatment works greatly. We seamlessly match the treatment to your existing hair to create the look of a full, shaved head of hair, resulting in a complete and smart new look of which restores your hairline giving your face its border again and takes years off of you!

We can also use Scalp Micropigmentation to add density to thinning hair. For clients who hold a majority of their hair but are suffering from thinning, we can deposit our Scalp Micropigmentation treatment underneath the longer hair to create a thicker, fuller look. This option is widely popular with our female clients and clients who have not received the desired results from hair transplants.

Which qualifications do your practitioners have?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

As one of the industry’s longest serving SMP providers, Scalp Culture are proud to boast some of the most highly experienced Scalp Micropigmentation experts in the world. Our practitioners have treated thousands of happy clients globally and trained hundreds of SMP practitioners around the world.

Our practitioners are fully qualified in Advanced Scalp Micropigmentation and have been through, and continue to undergo extensive training to Level 4 standards, the highest independent qualification available. We are also at the forefront of any new techniques and changes in the SMP Industry.

Scalp Culture is Scalp Guru Gold Certified and we also hold full practitioners insurance and are local authority registered.

Will my SMP treatment be noticeable to others?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

Our Scalp Micropigmentation treatment is designed to match and blend in with your existing hair seamlessly and therefore is not noticeable.

Some of our clients tell us that the odd friend may give them complements such as they look well or that something looks different but they can’t quite put their finger on what has changed.

If you was to look closely at the hair of a shaven head, the hair looks like lots of small dots. We use our micro needles to replicate these dots using our specialised technique. The SMP treatment is blended seamlessly into the existing hair resulting in a completely undetectable result. For clients with longer hair, these micro dots would be built up over your treatment sessions until the required density is reached.

At Scalp Culture, we specialise in natural looking results and always advise against anything other than this. We like to ensure that our clients gain results which look like they have a full, natural head of hair rather than they have had something done to their hair.

SMP is a subtle change which simply completes your look, giving you back your hairline which borders your face again and restores your confidence.

Do I have to keep my hair shaved?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

This Varies from client to client. We can use Scalp Micropigmentation to create the look of a full, shaved head of hair and can also use the treatment to add density to thinning hair.

For example, a client suffering from severe pattern baldness or alopecia would usually be required to shave their hair to a short length to match the SMP treatment, whereas a client who is suffering from thinning hair but still has a majority coverage may be able to keep their hair at a longer length, This is usually the case for our female and post hair transplant clients.

Your practitioner will discuss this with you in more detail during your consultation.


What Pigment do you use?2020-11-20T16:12:48+00:00

Iccon SMP Pigment has been specially formulated solely for Scalp Micropigmentation and has been used in thousands of treatments worldwide producing excellent results each and every time. As a pioneer of the SMP industry we have done our research into pigments over the years and have created the perfect formula of the highest quality.

Our pigments are guaranteed to never change colour in the scalp throughout their lifetime as they do not consist of any colours unlike some tattoo inks and permanent make-up inks.

Our pigments are 100% safe with no side effects and do not contain any harsh chemicals.

Our pigments are completely organic which aids in healing time and are against animal testing.

Which needle do you use?2023-03-17T01:55:43+00:00

We use Iccon SMP Pro Series Needles as used by leading clinics worldwide. They are the finest needles in the industry and were created specifically for Scalp Micropigmentation by SMP artists. All needles used at Scalp Culture are sterile, single use needles.

Iccon SMP needles have been designed with absolute precision to perfectly match the size of a natural hair follicle so that it would not be possible to distinguish between our pigment impressions and actual hair follicles.

Will the SMP treatment damage my existing hair growth?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

No. The SMP treatment does not damage existing hair growth nor does it damage hair growth from hair transplant procedures. Some clients even use SMP and hair transplants together to create their required density.

In fact some reports suggest that micro needling of the scalp can promote hair growth.

Will my scalp be red or sore after the SMP treatment?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

This varies depending on your skin type. Usually any redness will subside within a few hours to 24 hours after your SMP treatment. Some clients may experience redness for the following few days although this is quite rare.

Your scalp will not necessarily be sore after your treatment but you may experience slight itchiness at times as your skin is healing.

Is SMP Painful?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

SMP would not be described as a painful treatment process but at times may cause mild discomfort to some. The level of any discomfort would be a 3 out of 10 at most.

The majority of our clients report no pain whatsoever and some even fall asleep during treatment. Some describe the feel of a small pin prick on their scalp where as others even say it feels quite nice and relaxing.



Can I have the SMP after a hair transplant or to cover scars?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

Yes. Many of our clients have undergone hair transplant procedures and have not received their desired results. In these cases we use our Scalp Micropigmentation treatment to create a thicker look to any thinning hair.

We also treat clients who have head scars of any type including those from Hair Transplants.

Can I drive after my SMP treatment?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

Yes, The treatment will not affect your ability to drive or operate machinery.

How much does SMP Cost?2023-03-17T01:59:20+00:00

Scalp Culture have worked to ensure that our Scalp Micropigmentation treatments fit all budgets.

The cost of your SMP treatment will depend on the extent of your hair loss and which SMP artist you choose to have your treatment with. Our prices for treatment start from £149 up to £699 per session. We determine the exact cost of your treatment after a quick assessment during your free online consultation. One of our team members will ask to see a few clear pictures of your scalp showing the front, back and top. Once we have assessed your pictures, we will provide a pricing plan where you can choose which option suits you best.

Your images are treated with the strictest confidentiality and will never be shared by us unless you give your express permission. If you decide not to go ahead with your treatment, your photos are permanently deleted.

Payments can be made in full or on a per treatment session basis at no extra cost and can be made using all major credit and debit cards.

Please note: To confirm your booking, a deposit is required and the amount will be deducted from your total treatment cost.

What is the treatment aftercare?2019-07-11T11:14:52+00:00

After each treatment you can return to work immediately. For the 4 days after each treatment we advise that you do not exercise or excessively sweat. You can return to light exercise after a 4 day healing period. Excessive Sweating of the scalp can cause the treatment to migrate or not hold. Normal exercise can resume 10 days after treatment.

For the following 4 days after each treatment it is important not to allow your scalp to get wet or wear hats which may rub on your new SMP treatment. After the 4 day period you can then wash your head and shave your hair. For swimming we advise to wait 30 days after the final treatment.

Full aftercare instructions will be given to you after your first treatment.

What is the cost of a touch up?2019-07-11T11:15:19+00:00

After several years you may feel that you want to have a touch up session to perhaps slightly change the style of your treatment or give it a darker look. Touch ups are priced at our rate of £250 per hour and usually last around 1 – 2 hours, depending on the area and coverage required.

Touch ups can be booked by telephone or email.

What is your clinical hygiene practice?2019-07-11T11:15:19+00:00

At Scalp Culture we adhere to stringent hygiene standards as set out by the Health Protection Unit & Department of Health UK.

Our locations are set in modern clinical environments. We adhere to all government guidelines for blood-borne pathogens and infection control and use sterile single-use needles, gloves and equipment which are correctly disposed of after each treatment.

How are the treatments scheduled?2023-03-17T02:03:46+00:00

All Scalp Micropigmentation treatments are performed over 3 separate treatment session.

Treatment schedules are set as shown below:

  • Treatment 1
  • Treatment 2: 14 days after
  • Treatment 3: 4 weeks after

After your 1st treatment session, your 2nd treatment will be performed 10 to 14 days later. You will then receive your 3rd treatment 4 weeks after treatment two. During each treatment session we create an even layering of SMP.

Treatment sessions will last 2 to 3 hours each depending on the extent of your hair loss and density you require. Short breaks can be taken throughout your treatment sessions and your practitioner will ask if you require breaks during your treatment, alternatively if you need a break just let the practitioner know.

  • Treatment 1 is where we design your new hairline and lay the foundations of your SMP treatment.
  • Treatment 2 is where we take your feedback and add more density to your treatment. We can also make slight changes at this point if required. Your practitioner will discuss this with you.
  • Treatment 3 is where we add more density and perfect your result

Although there is slight leniency on the treatment schedule, it is important that once committed, the treatment schedule is followed to give you the best results.

What is your availability for bookings?2023-03-17T02:05:58+00:00

At Scalp Culture we will always try our best to schedule appointments around your availability. If you are travelling long distance to us or flying from abroad we will work with you to ensure that we meet your requirements. Simply send us a message to arrange your booking and our team will work with you to arrange suitable appointment dates.

How do I book a treatment appointment?2023-03-17T02:07:31+00:00

We understand that once you have made the decision to go ahead with your SMP treatment, you may be eager to book your appointment dates and would want to ensure that they don’t conflict with work or other plans. We always try our best to offer you your preferred appointment dates and will always offer alternative dates if these are not available. We will always work with you to book dates and times to suit your schedule. Once you are happy with your appointment dates we ask for a non-refundable deposit of £99 to secure your appointment dates.

Appointments can be booked during your consultation and by email or telephone.

What if I need to change my appointment dates?2020-11-20T20:02:24+00:00

If you need to change your appointment dates or time, simply let us know at your earliest convenience and up-to 48 hours before your appointment and we will be happy to rearrange this for you.

Short notice cancellations within ‘no shows’ will result in a late cancellation fee of £100 to cover clinic costs and the SMP artists time.

Consultations for Clients & Clients living long distance or abroad2019-07-11T11:15:19+00:00

All of our consultations are free of charge and you are under no obligation.

We understand that choosing the right hair loss solution is a big deal and at Scalp Culture you will not receive pushy sales talk or sales calls. Remember, our practitioner has been through the same daunting process as you, before discovering Scalp Micropigmentation.

As well as face to face consultations we also offer consultations by Skype video, Whatsapp Messenger and Email which Long distance and International clients may find convenient.

Scalp Culture Northampton is conveniently located just 5 minutes walk from Northampton train station.

Scalp Culture Birmingham is Conveniently located opposite New Street train station (Grand Central)

We are always on hand to help clients locate the clinic whether you are local or flying in from abroad.

If you require any information on travelling to our clinics or hotels located nearby, please do not hesitate to ask us.

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